IVCC/CCSVI, vidéos et échos de murs de ce samedi.

Publié le par Handi@dy

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CCSVI-Martine-motomed-Inde.jpgPhoto! Martine, Canadienne, fait du Motomed en Inde!

Je commencerai par la première vidéo contre la ccsvi (un SEPien? Il ne le dit pas!), un gars qui dit avoir parlé à ses médecins qui n'y croient pas (tiens, nouveau ça lol!) Je vous laisse juger et lire les coms des opérés qui eux savent dans leur corps ce qu'est la découverte de Zamboni.


Les vidéos de Martine opérée en Inde, elle les a postées hier. Elles ne sont hélas pas sur youtube, n'hésitez pas , je le redis, à vous créer un compte bidon sur facebook pour y accéder, il y a des comptes Zorro Estarrivé et Bob Léponge, bref...

*L'IRM veineuse

Une chanson a capela sur la SEP, écrite pour une amie.La chanteuse y dit qu'on ne peut plus avancer, mais que rien ne fera "chuter" son amie etc...
Patrick, 17 ans de SEP, qui a dû changer 4 fois de carrière à cause de la maladie. Il parle de ses jugulaires seulement à 15 pour cent débouchées. Première marche depuis des années!
Dawn qui s'est remise de sa poussée et donne un lien pour passer des tests.
Vidéos témoignage d'une SEPienne à deux moments donnés après l'OP, 14 jours plus tard et puis un mois, marche et progrès dans l'écriture au clavier. (elle l'enseignait, avant, et pendant 10 ans n'a plus été capable de taper avec 2 doigts). Dommage, il n'y a pas de vidéo "avant".
*Echos de murs:

Carol Schumacher My neurologist was not able to elicit the Babinski Relex in one foot and got a slight jump in the other. this is huge. I show off my marked babinski relex to friends to show how affected I am by MS. normal people don't have it.

 *Deb Turcotte
Homework- Premiers say they need more proof Everyone that is liberated should fax each of em a picture of themselves with their name and phone number on it and the words Call me, I'm living Proof Had CCSVI had ,Angioplasty to fix my blood flow drainage health problem on it..

Deb Turcotte  There will be Speakers there that have had testing and treatment in various Countries donating their time and effort to offer information and answer questions to people that are interested in learning more on this topic. Limited seating is available so decide soon if you can come to avoid disapointment.
Lunch will be p...rovided, cost to attend is 10.00 per person to cover hall, meals, handoutsl etc.
I have to pay up front out of my own pocket so please don't leave me hanging on this!! The hall is wheel chair accessible.
If you too want to speak of your CCSVI testing and treatment experience or know of someone that would please ask them to contact me asap.
Please spread the word to anyone living in Saskatchewan that might want to attend! Thanks so much for your assistance!
Biggar is located in the west side of the province,less than an hour from both Saskatoon, North Battleford, 3 hours from Regina. Hope to see you there!

*Sarah Rainbolt
Told the neuro I did it today, his response was much nicer than expected... so he says they're going to study it as a symptom treatment! Hmmmm...

* Post-Liberation Updates  I have my list of those who will be receiving treatment this coming week. Again, I apologize if I don't mention everyone, as I only know the dates of those that let me know, so I could put their names on my calendar. Please introduce yourself, if you happen to be among them; Tara Roseberry and Anne Flaherty. I know... there has to be more. Congratulations!!! See you on the other side!! *SMILE!!!*
 Michelle Walsh  okay here we go again...this is a VASCULAR issue and we need Vascular Surgeons and Interventional radiologists to handle this NOT a Neurological issue allready!!

* Ken Torbert  Call Around Go Local it works

*Felise Thomas Shellenberger I had my veins opened a week ago today and feel great! I had it done in the States. They are getting their act together and then I can share the location. It took a lot of phone calls, but I found a very reputable place willing to do it for me. Persistence pays o...ff. Hang in there everyone and just keep calling around!


*(Felise Thomas Shellenberger) "I had my veins opened a week ago today and feel great! I had it done in the States. They are getting their act together and then I can share the location. It took a lot of phone calls, but I found a very reputable place willing to do it for me. Persistence pays off. Hang in ther...e everyone and just keep calling around!"

*Patricia McDowell Kimball
GREAT NEWS: NBer successfully treated - Tim Donovan says "What an awesome experience!!! All Done !!! When I stood up for 1st time I noticed an improvement in Balance, but the big improvement is the new feeling of much more energy. WoW!! Both veins 50% blocked but not any more!!!" Hoping Premier Graham sees this!

* Tessa Rushton  Truth shall set you free :)

Tessa Rushton
test 101 for the cognitive function... The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo book... this may take a while :)

* CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  A woman was deciding whether to come to Victoria's public meeting and said: "I have primary progressive MS, so this probably won't help me." My question: why do we label ourselves PPMS, RRMS, SPMS, etc., when these labels were invented by neurologists without any knowledge of vascular connections to MS? Isn't it time w...e threw THAT book out and accept that CCSVI treatment may (or may not) work for anyone? ~Sandra

CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support
The Victoria CCSVI meeting is now full -- 250 guests attending / at least 8 persons who have been treated will be there. Please arrive early! I have some prep to do for the meeting and need my rest, so please mind the store. Thanks! ~Sandra


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