IVCC/CCSVI, vidéos et échos de murs de ce samedi!

Publié le par Handi@dy

ccsvi procedure groupBarre google de traduction indispensable!

Une SEPienne montre comment elle se fait renvoyer au téléphone alors qu'elle essaie de faire les tests CCSVi et se renseigne sur la procédure...

Une non SEPienne (elle ne précise pas ses qualités ni formation, d'après ce que JE comprends), et elle explique la ccsvi. Ainsi que le rôle des neurologues qui focalisent sur la myéline et des traitements peu efficaces à effets secondaires, le rôle des labos qui se font beauoup d'argent. Elle explique le lobbying des labos, neurologues, des associations SEP, notammant la Canadienne. Elle explique également le cercle vicieux stupide: pas de preuves, donc pas d'angioplastie, pas d'études, donc pas de preuves. Les vidéos de SEPiens ne formant évidemment pas de preuves pour l'instant, sauf pour les concernés et leurs proches. Elle explique les évidents bienfaits d'avoir le sang qui circule correctement sans reflux, ce qui est fait pour d'autres pathologies. Elle dit qu'il est incroyable que ce ne soit pas fait pour les SEPiens, c'est incompréhensible. Elle compare les immenses frais des TTT et l'OP, y compris à l'étranger. Les malades ont changé: ils sont informés, ils communiquent sur internet!

Une réunion de SEPiens: je reconnais des opérés dont j'ai publié les vidéos.
Deux vidéos de Kathleen Lynch, notre première guérie totale après angioplastie en Egypte (plus de plaques, plus aucun symptômes, guérie non SEPienne d'après son neurologue après PEV complets et IRM!
Kathi Goertzen and members of "CCSVI in Seattle" milling around after the group interview. Kathi graciously took us on a tour of the news room.
*whispering because Steve Poole is in the corner doing the weather report*
"In ccsvi news, "CCSVI in Seattle" scores a big one."
*Echos de murs:
*Steve Garvie
The ms society really believes a public relations stunt will turn the tide on the fact that they still do not listen or help the people they are sworn to.Sorry no sale!You by not doing the right thing have caused death and horrible continued disability with your actions to the very people you were to help.Shame on you.
Ken Torbert  Dawn SkinnerCCSVI in MS Toronto: The protest at the St. Catherines MS Society this morning was a complete success!!! A reporter from CHCH in Hamilton was there thinkin' we were there to support the MSS, boy, did we set her straight... check out the story at 6:00pm.Today in this war, a small battle was won and it only took a small army to do it!
Maria Meszaros Dekleer  Maria Meszaros Dekleer so Dr. Zamboni says jugular veins have a 50% re stenosis rate and azygos vein has 0% does anyone have any idea what veins control what symptoms?
Dawn Skinner I was led to believe that sensory issues are caused in the brain, mobility issues are caused in the spine or torso. my 2 cents.
Newfey Rock  I know ccsvi is great and all! but is there people on here that had the liberation treatment, and did not have any relief from their symptoms, or very little?? I'm curious......because when I saw my neuro yesterday, she said she had seen maybe 10 ms patients that were liberated and they had very slight improvement, if ...any at all! so I am very curious? This is of course comming from someone who thinks its only a big joke still! Please share your stories, either public or pm me. Thanks
CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support Newfey, I would be delighted if my treatment just stopped or even slowed my progression, which was accelerating. So, my improvements in swallowing and leg spasms are huge pluses. In addition, how many times does a neuro see even slight improvement?? If she sees it as a joke, methinks she is biased. Maybe we should ask her patients what they think!
Kathy Hutchinson  It seems logical that if nothing else uninterupted blood flow would be of benefit to ANYONE ms or not?
CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  Albina Guarnieri, 22 year veteran Liberal MP, "comes out" as a person with MS and announces her future intentions. It's too bad she didn't join the fight, but I understand keeping MS to yourself and close friends/family.
Bev Bentley  Greg and I were on CTV News on the Dr. Rhonda Low portion tonight. I appreciated that the 'slant' was positive about CCSVI treatment. What did you think?
Blue Light  Here is a video that some may find interesting. And what does this have to do with CCSVI? It has been documented that 'dirty electricity' makes MS symptoms worse. Would it be safe to say, then, that it perhaps is making the CCSVI symptoms worse? Dirty electricity is just one aspect of electro-magnetic pollution. I've k...nown for years that electromagnetics make me feel VERY worse, but I had to have somebody tell me that initially. It seemed too weird and far-fetched to just occur to me. It is always my hope that I can help somebody else figure out what the HECK is making them feel bad, despite watching very carefully everything they eat, drink, and breathe. Wishing health to all...
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Energy Efficient light bulbs are poisoning us

CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  MS Society launches "100 Days of Celebration" to recognize the extraordinary efforts of volunteers and others. What do you think? Will CCSVI pioneers like Dr. Sandy McDonald figure in the 100?
Margaret Sim I think it is a self indulged love fest for publicity and their marketing campaign...show me yo money....I have lost all respect and trust.
Blanche Norton I have been disgusted with the MS society since last November. I still feel the same. I don't read their newsletters, and don't waste time reading their b.s.
Heather Bailey  I thoroughly agree Blanche! Why the MS society is working against the very people who are reason for the society's own existance is beyond me and by beyond I smell $
Sheryl McDougald I'll be celebrating when they 100% support angioplasty for all. Until then, its 200% BS.
AnneMarie Berukoff Why is the MS Society celebrating 100 Days of Sickness instead of 100 Days of Liberation News. They make me sick.
Trevor Waite I bet the honest and honourable Yves will be on that list of 100!!! AFA!!!
Margaret Sim I wonder how much that web design was? I can hardly wait until the whole card fills up....then I can select, cut and paste to my DARTBOARD. ooo so theraputic ; )
Denise Manley  So much love & prayers, well wishes and Brithday wishes from around the world, near and far & in so many languages, Thank you all I am truely blessed because of each & every one of you! I've NEVER felt so loved in all my life! I really do love each of you & pray for your lives to be as blessed as I feel mine has been! Love and prayers!
Denise Manley  To help Dr. Siskins study along and to make all expenses free for our brave souls who are going to participate in this study, please send donations to:
Capital Region Medical Research Foundation Att: Kim Kurtzner
711 Troy Schenectady Road, STE 201

Latham NY 12110
...When the donations come in they need to earmarked for the MS Study.
Donald Ayres  CCSVI Medicine Hat will be holding an Action Now rally in front of Medicine Hat MLA Rob Renner's office at 620 – 3rd Street SE in Medicine Hat, AB from 11 to 1 for MS Liberation Day. If you're in or near Medicine Hat, come on by and be a part.
CCSVI Calgary  There will be a rally in downtown Calgary on Monday in front of the Harry Hays building from 11 to 1 for MS Liberation Day part 2. See you there!
Deb Turcotte  Something to think about....69 million dollars donated could pay for many many angioplasties in Canada.. as well as fund a non profit group called AFA Angioplasty For All to pay for legal fees, the group is preparing for a discrimination law suit for equal rights for All Canadians on this topic....
Post-Liberation Updates  If you haven't all ready, please let me know the date you will be treated, so I can add you to my calendar. :)
Vous, Nicki Beagle-Watts, Ginger MacQueen, Sandie Paluc et 8 autres personnes aimez ça.

      Tara Lynn Falle Gettin treated on Monday Sept 20th!! T-3days!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 2 personnesChargement... ·
      Linda Dykas Septembeer 27 in Tampa. Can't wait!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneChargement... ·
      Lena Close Sept. 27 in Costa Rica!!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneChargement... ·
      Nancy Dunteman Raifsnider Thursday,Sept 23 in South Bend. So excited!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneChargement... ·
      Judy Kellar Collins Monday in Alabany :) just got the call yesterday... SOOOOO EXCITED
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Mama Smith Good Luck to all of you!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneChargement... ·
      Post-Liberation Updates I should tell you, that when you get back, after your procedure, we (Canadian MSers) are going to put you to work, to spread the word. ;)
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneBrenda Pachal aime ça. ·
      Post-Liberation Updates I am excited for you all!!
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Angela J. MacDonald Ricky MacDonald - December 14 in Merida, Mexico
      Il y a 14 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneJudy Kellar Collins aime ça. ·
      Judy Kellar Collins Thats my birthday Angela...... good luck Ricky:)
      Il y a 13 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus · 1 personneLouise Field aime ça. ·
      Linda Dykas I'll be glad to spread the work. Just tell me what to do?
      Il y a 12 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Danielle Ménard MICHEL MENARD - October 4 in Albany
      Il y a 12 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Jeff White Heather Dixon - December 6 in Mexico
      Il y a 11 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Angela Cardy October 27 in Delhi, India!
      Il y a 11 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Helen Nordick Helen and Monica Nordick - December 21 in Sofia, Bulgaria. My mother and I will receive treatment on the same day. What a Christmas present!!!!
      Il y a 10 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Aya Muhaidat July 6 in Amman,Jordan
      Il y a 10 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Cheryl Likus any one on this site that had the procedure done in costa rica?
      Il y a 9 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Darrin Umbarger I had a chance to get the CCSVI done by Dr. Torrence Andrews in Seattle, in fact I was number 95 on the list. Pending a referral from my neurologist. Today I got the answer, my neurologist from Oregon health science University gave me a definite no. Back to square one.
      Il y a 9 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Betsy French why not get your referral from your GP?
      Il y a 8 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Louise Field November 4 Sydney Australia
      Il y a 8 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Post-Liberation Updates Darrin, definitely forget your neuro... get a referral from your GP. I wish you luck!!
      Il y a 8 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Post-Liberation Updates I am so happy to have had this much response from my request for more names to add to my calendar. This makes me VERY happy. Don't forget to create your blogs &/or before and after videos, so I can post them under the Notes tab for all to see. :)
      Il y a 8 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Darrin Umbarger They will not take a referral from my GP it has to be a nero
      Il y a 8 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Angela Russo hello - I am not sure if I did - but october 19th is my date :)....in bulgaria...yeah!!
      Il y a 6 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·
      Leslie Scriver Agelakos Im still waiting,,got the confirmation letter,but just waiting for them to set the date!!!!!!!I will definately let you know when I no!!
      Il y a 6 heures · J’aimeJe n’aime plus ·

# Rédiger un commentaire...
Patricia McDowell Kimball
MS Support and Information Session - Sunday, Sept.19th at 2:00 pm
St. Mark's Anglican Church, St. George, NB
Guest speaker: Tim Donovan
Come and listen to his incredible story of BEATING MS.
Everybody welcome!I
If you or your partner has received CCSVI treatment at The Alfred, and may like future access to treatment there - please post a message on CCSVI Australia. I will then contact you through a FB friend request. I am in the process of taking action, with the aim of securing further treatment for us. Laura/Nico, Kerri, Andrea, Jennifer, Adolfo, Heather and Mark - I already know about you guys :)
Yvonne Andersen
Private Message I received from an MS'er: "Dear God, thank you for giving me a diagnosis of MS. It has helped me to understand the pain that MS'ers go through and it has helped me to be more compassionate. Is there anyway that you could give ******* the same diagnosis?" No need to reply with a name, we all know who we are thinking about!

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