IVCC/CCSVI, vidéos et échos de murs de ce lundi.

Publié le par Handi@dy

ccsvi-canada-why.jpgBarre google de traduction indispensable.

Je commencerai aujourd'hui par l'histoire d'une jeune femme atteinte de TM à 33 ans (l'âge de ma SEP), myélite transverse, maladie proche de la SEP, elle tient à peine assise, a les mêmes douleurs que provoque la SEP). Encore une maladie à qui on refuse l'angioplastie, les malades se battent donc avec nous! Quand je disais que la découverte de Zamboni allait concerner de nombreuses maladies dites neurologiques, j'avais raison, il faut dire qu'en de nombreux mois, on a le temps d'avoir les informations. Très handicapée dès le début de sa pathologie, elle a dû intenter un procès à sa fac qui n'avait pas rendu les cours accessibles pour elle! Une battante qui a réalisé bien des projets et obtenu son diplôme en informatique.


Une vidéo montage avant après des progrès de Marc Lamp, Irishbear!
Mise à jour des progrès post procédure d'une SEPienne.
MISE EN GARDE: ne pas surestimer ses forces après la procédure, se reposer beaucoup, autrement on risque des problèmes musculaires: vidéos!
Que manger quand on a la SEP pour faire du bien au cerveau? Un médecin SEPienne progressive s'exprime! Coment elle a fini en fauteuil et eu du mal à s'asseoir, est passée par la chimio après copaxone (sans effet).
Un clip montage dont le début souligne à quel point il faut être dans notre peau de SEPiens (et encore) pour comprendre l'urgence de l'angioplastie. Il lit son courrier au ministre de la santé canadienne.

*Echos de murs:

*Yvonne Andersen  My pre/post angio story is sent to Mark Lane. Have you sent yours yet? His email address is: mark@marklane.ca

Yvonne Andersen  I will be posting many things this morning that my good friend did ALOT of research on over the past week since our Health Minister made the announcements that there will be no Clinical Trials funded by the Federal Government. It is alot of reading, but Christopher has done such a good job with all the research and ne...eds to be applauded for what he is doing for all MS'ers. Christopher has already had the procedure on May 18th. He could just merrily go on his way and live his new life, but he chooses, as many of us who have been liberated have done, to help those who are not yet liberated. This man has a heart as big as Canada and I am proud to call him my friend. (By the way, his wife Claire has a heart as big as Christopher's!!!)

*Kathleen Lynch  I spent the last three days from morning until midnight in an operating room in Egypt observing angioplasties being performed by the world's best CCSVI team: Dr. Tariq Sinan, Dr. Hussein, Dr. Adel, Hazem, Saad, Amrali, and nurses Rita and Amira. Job well-done. Your skill, teamwork, expertise and results are inspirational.

*Anna Delorme  From CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - another doctor on board!

*Diana Gordon  Please
understand you have ANGIOPLASTY to correct CCSVI; you don't go to a
doctor to GET CCSVI. I've read postings by so many people, where they are saying
they are going to a hospital/doctor to hopefully get CCSVI. It's the
angioplasty procedure you want, to correct the CCSVI condition that you
...already have.

Denise Manley  I'm always correcting people to let them know that CCSVI is the name of the disease. angioplasty is the name of the treatment!

Francois Desmarais
You're right, but it's kind of confusing cause every body talk about CCSVI or IVCC in french. Because those initial design the desease with more precision than angioplasty which is a cure for a lot of desease other than MS. It took me some ...time to make the difference. And that's why i have called my group page "IVCC au Canada ça presse" It's looking ridiculus when you think of it. « Come on everybody let's block our jugular vein and be happy» . Thank you Diana, i will change my group name.
It's giving me an idea, we should propose to Steven Harper and her health minister to get their jugular vein blocked and see what happen.
They do'nt want us to be guiney pig so may be they would like to take our place for the progress of science ;-o))

*Denise Manley  WARNING!!! SIDE EFFECTS TO ANGIOPLASTY INCLUDE but NOT LIMITED TO--restful sleep during the night, waking full of energy and unable to stop, strength, endurance, balance, proper blood circulation, improved thought, breathing and eye sight, warmth in your extremities as well as proper sensations to the touch.

*Denise Manley  You must live close to Albany or be able to get here on a regular basis. This is not through the clinic and emails there about getting into the study isn't going to help. It's not even on the web site now.
If you want to be a part of the study please READ this note and private message me your full name, mailing address,...... city, state and zip, along with your contact phone number including area code and your complete email address.

*Deb Turcotte  We could sure use some more volunteer workers for the big CCSVI Meeting in Biggar Next Sunday Sept 12th if you have some time early that morning to lend a hand for set up in the hall and kitchen we would sure appreciate it. This is a non profit event to raise awareness about MS and CCSVI. Message me if you can help please and thanks!!

*CCSVI in MS Toronto
Tina Christensen  Looking for ms patients in Denmark WHO wants to work with mé and a lawyer. Regarding getting testet and treated fo CCSVI in Denmark !! Please contact mé !! Tina Christensen
*Post-Liberation Updates  Here we are, another week and another wish for the individuals who will be treated this coming week: I have Betsy French & Paula Somers on my calendar, and wish them the best for your treatment to correct your CCSVI. Please let us know how you make out. *Smile...*

*CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  Here's my second post-injury video, taken on my second day up and about (today), but still firmly attached to my walker. Video demonstrating how I injured myself coming next...

CCSVI Post treatment inury - second day walking after 2 weeks in bed
www.youtube.comCCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  CCSVI Post treatment injury warning! This is the first opf 3 videos showing why I (Sandra) have been so grumpy these past couple weeks. Basically, this is what can happen post treatment when your energy levels go up, but your body is still not used to moving that much!

CCSVI Post treatment inury - first day walking after 2 weeks in bed

CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic - Information and Support  CCSVI Post treatment injury demonstration. Here's a big no-no for after treatment if your life has been sedentary for 9 or so years. When I regain my fitness, this lilac is going to really get it...
How I injured myself after my CCSVI treatment -- be warned!!

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