IVCC/CCSVI, vidéos et échos de murs de ce vendredi.

Publié le par Handi@dy

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*Echos de murs:
*Flowers4MS  Relapse time...and time to go get my 13th MRI (tomorrow morning)...Well, I was very lucky because I got to go home and have the most wonderful time with everyone I love so I can't complain too much...This is just another part of my journey...
Flowers4MS  MS Society members 'break ranks' and try treatment
With a number of multiple sclerosis patients heading to clinics overseas for the "liberation treatment," some members of the MS Society of Canada have found themselves in a quandary: follow the Society's advice and wait for more evidence about the treatment, or break ra...nks and try it anyway.
*Mark Lamp
is not perfect. He is fallible. Is capable of doing nothing good on his own. His heart is desperately wicked. He falls short of glory. He is prideful, jealous, worrisome, spiteful, self-centered, arrogant, lustful, he curses and speaks unkindly to those who anger him.
If you think this doesn't describe ME, you are wrong.
What you see th...at is Good in Mark Lamp is the presence of Jesus within.
I am a worm.
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